Product Review Request

Do you have a unique mountain bike or outdoor product? Maybe we can feature it on Berm Peak Express!

If you are visiting this page, we assume you already follow Berm Peak Express, and understand the exact nature of these YouTube product reviews.

  • Even if you send your product, we do not guarantee a review
  • We do not guarantee a positive review
  • We will go out of our way to make light of your product, and maybe even make fun of it
  • If reviewed, we will include a link to your product

PLEASE DO NOT SEND anything large, like bikes, ebikes, or wheels without contacting us first. No nutrition, food, or medical supplies will be reviewed or accepted under any circumstances ever.

You can submit a request, or simply mail your product to the following address.

Seth’s Bike Hacks, Inc
30 Westgate Parkway #330
Asheville, NC 28806

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